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30-01-2006, 09:48
ultimamente sto ascoltando parecchio Grason Capps (che con John Lawrence forma gli Stavin' Chain), lui ha composto la colonna sonora dello struggente "A love song for Bobby Long" (molto consigliato pure il film) e nell'ultimo bellissimo (per chi ama il blues) disco degli Stavin' Chain ha inserito la canzone intitolata nientepopodimenoche "Harley Davidson"...

il testo potrebbe averlo scritto Carlo Talamo e fa:

Freebirb lived upstairs at the Hummingbird Hotel. She waited tables for the man
downstairs at the grill. ?I?m gonna fly someday,? she said, ?just like my name.?
?Coffee on table four, honey, the man over there wants his extra cream.? / Tobacco
coated fingertips and nails done bright red, mascara window frames to the soul she
seldom bares. ?These men they?re all the same. They love they live you blind.
I?m gonna disappear some day, you know, when I?ve got the time.? / Chorus ? ?Harley
Davidson take me down Hwy. 1 through cotton fields, river towns before I turn thirty-
one, on this lonely, lonely road, on this lonely road.? / Tattoed covered body show-
ing pictures of her scrambled dreams. Skeletons and angels on her skin with broken
wings. ?There ain?t no future her at this Hummingbird Hotel and Grill,? she said,
?smoking cigarettes all day and popping those little white ephedrine pills.? / (Chorus) /
Freebirb she don?t work no more at the Hummingbird Hotel. I asked the man about
Her he said, ?Don?t you know, she killed herself.? / ?I?m gonna fly someday,? she said,
?just like my name. I?m gonna rise up high on these motorcycle, cycle wings.? /

Bronco http://www.webchapter.it/smiles/byby.gif

30-01-2006, 12:26
provo a cercarli, non li conosco, poi ti dico! http://www.webchapter.it/smiles/ear.gif http://www.webchapter.it/smiles/wink2.gif