Visualizza Versione Completa : Da corriere.it :r.i.p.

14-05-2007, 11:10

14-05-2007, 11:14

14-05-2007, 13:07

14-05-2007, 13:18

14-05-2007, 13:26
E' il funerale di uno dei Bandidos in Australia (morto in un incidente).

14-05-2007, 15:09
con la scorta della polizia? strada libera? Chi era?

14-05-2007, 15:17

14-05-2007, 15:34
Scritto da: pollone 14/05/2007Â*16.09
con la scorta della polizia? strada libera? Chi era?


A cavalcade of 155 bikes carrying members of the Bandidos, Nomads and Lone Wolf bikie gangs followed the coffin of murdered Bandido leader Rodney Monk to church today.

Stretching more than 100 metres, the bikers wore no helmets in their tradition of "tipping the hat" to a fallen leader.

Police have named Russell Merrick Oldham, 39, as their chief suspect in last week's shooting of the Bandidos chapter president, Rodney "Hooks" Monk, in Little Italy in East Sydney.

Police believe the two Bandidos had been arguing about Oldham's relationship with his parole officer - against club rules.

Monk's coffin was driven down the side of St Gerard Majella Catholic Church, North Rocks Road, Carlingford, today on the sidecar of a motorcycle ridden by a man whose leather vest bore the insignia "presidente".

[Modificato da Triskyus 14/05/2007Â*17.02]

14-05-2007, 15:36

14-05-2007, 15:41
r.i.p. http://www.webchapter.it/smiles/nuby.gif

14-05-2007, 16:53
Scritto da: Triskyus 14/05/2007Â*16.34


A cavalcade of 155 bikes carrying members of the Bandidos, Nomads and Lone Wolf bikie gangs followed the coffin of murdered Bandido leader Rodney Monk to church today.

Stretching more than 100 metres, the bikers wore no helmets in their tradition of "tipping the hat" to a fallen leader.

Police have named Russell Merrick Oldham, 39, as their chief suspect in last week's shooting of the Bandidos chapter president, Rodney "Hooks" Monk, in Little Italy in East Sydney.

Police believe the two Bandidos had been arguing about Oldham's relationship with his parole officer - against club rules.

Monk's coffin was driven down the side of St Gerard Majella Catholic Church, North Rocks Road, Carlingford, today on the sidecar of a motorcycle ridden by a man whose leather vest bore the insignia "presidente".

[Modificato da Triskyus 14/05/2007Â*17.02]

Ma quante ne sai.....

14-05-2007, 17:12
Scritto da: pollone 14/05/2007Â*17.53

Ma quante ne sai.....

the power of ****eggio....