Visualizza Versione Completa : Help a brother out.....

03-11-2012, 20:00
Hi guys, I was out testing a customer's white Street Glide yesterday when I hit a fuckin' oil patch in the middle of a corner.
Lost it, the bike lowsided and I found myself walking away from the crash while that ugly bike was still rolling! Awesome, I'm looking at the best part of 10k bucks to put it back together.
Now to the point, the customer still does not know it's happened, what should I tell him?
He is Italian, give me some ideas.......

03-11-2012, 20:16
you can tell him you didn't like the color..
by the way, how's your foot? :happy4:

03-11-2012, 20:28
...these dickies :happy4:

03-11-2012, 20:31
you can tell him you didn't like the color..
by the way, how's your foot? :happy4:

Foot's ok thanks, some of my friends think I crashed on purpose because I was sliding my feet on the tarmac just before losing it.
I will obviously let them believe that but in reality I crapped myself big time and had a foot long skidmark down my panties!

il Conte
03-11-2012, 20:57

Il Lupo Mannaro
03-11-2012, 21:04

Neanch'io ho capito bene, ma ammesso sia vero, bastava chiamasse i vigili a verificare la presenza dell'olio in terra ed aveva buone possibilità di avere un rimborso assicurativo. Ma ora è tardi e qui diciamo che piangere un morto son lacrime perse...

03-11-2012, 21:19

This is you?


03-11-2012, 21:31
Rob chiama il tuo amico fastgabry

03-11-2012, 21:49

This is you?



03-11-2012, 22:07
Hi guys, I was out testing a customer's white Street Glide yesterday when I hit a fuckin' oil patch in the middle of a corner.
Lost it, the bike lowsided and I found myself walking away from the crash while that ugly bike was still rolling! Awesome, I'm looking at the best part of 10k bucks to put it back together.
Now to the point, the customer still does not know it's happened, what should I tell him?
He is Italian, give me some ideas.......

Btw the best way to come out from these bullshits is just tell the true.
MAybe if u have called the cops they could certificate the damn oil patch.
Here in Italy a unsignalled oil patch damage is payed from the Agency/County responsive for the state of the roads, i don't know in your country.

Good luck...:byby:

03-11-2012, 22:28
Hi there
you HAVE to tell him the truth for god's sake!
if the bike is damaged fix it, check the frame structure too...
Any customer from any country do appreciate clear communications and relationship, expecially in business.
It's a shame that you didn't called the cops to get some money back from public administration indeed.

03-11-2012, 22:52
Btw the best way to come out from these bullshits is just tell the true.
MAybe if u have called the cops they could certificate the damn oil patch.
Here in Italy a unsignalled oil patch damage is payed from the Agency/County responsive for the state of the roads, i don't know in your country.

Good luck...:byby:

Hi there
you HAVE to tell him the truth for god's sake!
if the bike is damaged fix it, check the frame structure too...
Any customer from any country do appreciate clear communications and relationship, expecially in business.
It's a shame that you didn't called the cops to get some money back from public administration indeed.

ehm.. guardate che è uno scherzo :happy4: Street Glide Ocio alla curva (http://www.webchapter.it/forum/showthread.php?148709-Street-Glide-Ocio-alla-curva)

03-11-2012, 22:56
...nchia :happy4:

More or less four hours per accorgersene:vhappy1::vhappy1::vhappy1:

Stiamo parlando di olio fritto...

03-11-2012, 23:28
Puzzava in effetti...

04-11-2012, 09:38
Beh, ma la soddisfazione per lo scherzone venuto bene?

Do you want to put?...

04-11-2012, 09:55
ehm.. guardate che è uno scherzo :happy4: Street Glide Ocio alla curva (http://www.webchapter.it/forum/showthread.php?148709-Street-Glide-Ocio-alla-curva)

E vabbuo'...una volta si pesca una volta si e' boccaloni...:sleep2:

04-11-2012, 12:17
Use the function "seek"...