Visualizza Versione Completa : NOTIZIE CERTE XLH 04 from US

22-07-2003, 13:02
da sportster.org:

Dropped by a local dealer this afternoon.Â* They had just returned from Vegas show and there was a copy of the "2004 Products Guide" laying on one of the salesman's desk so I peeked.Â* Actually he let me look, and he also filled in some other information.Â* I will just call him Sam here cause I don't want to take a chance of getting him into trouble.

Engine: Still EVO 1200 (damn I was looking forward to an 80 incher).

All 1200 engines come with W cams.

No more S model, only C and R.Â* Sam didn't know if the R was a "replacement" for the S.

Engine is rubber mounted.

All 1200 engines have 9.8:1 compression ration.

No more dual plug heads.Â* Redesigned combustion chamber that, according to what the Harley reps told Sam, "absolutely eliminate ping."

I forgot to ask about fuel injection.Â* Trany has new gearing, same as one of the Buells but I don't remember which one.Â* Sam didn't know if 5th would be higher but said he will check.

Sam said that overall the bike looks wider.Â* There was not a picture of the complete bike, just pictures of selected areas so I couldn't comment on that.

4.2 Gallon gas tank.Â* Picture I saw looked similar to current tank but the rise from back to front didn't seem to be as much as on the current tank. Tank supposedly will fit current models.Â* Price in the manual showed $488.00 for the tank. OUCH!

Redesigned brake calipers.Â* Still look like 4 pot but definitely different.Â* The pads were shown and they are different also and the pads for front and rear are not the same.

Lots of other minor changes like oil tank enlarged to 3.6 quarts, I think I'm remembering that figure correctly.

There is a master fuse panel that all other fuses feed from, just pop the main fuse out instead of disconnecting the battery when u wanna work on it.Â* Several other "convenience" features that I can't remember right now.

Timing will only be accessible via computer, supposedly no need to remove the timing cover ever.

The primary case was different, has a bulge at the front that I can't figure out what its for unless they eliminated the primary chain and went to gears, but there was still an inspection cover where u would check the primary.Â* The secondary side cases looked pretty much the same.

Seat height as low as 22", I believe this was for the 883 and 1200 models. No more 883 Hugger.


Talked to a very reliable source at the local stealer today...and he confirmed several things the list has beendiscussing:

-EVO engine, buell heads (detuned) and rubber mounted

-New frame, swing arm and tank (I saw these already, saw two crashed for gastank safety testing in spring)

-No more hugger - salesman is slightly disappointed (and admits beingselfish), his commission is add-on bits,and many women spent $800+ before getting out the door to lower their bike-new roadster models in both 883 and 1200

-150 series tires all models (basically all harley products will go withthis tire size)

-Battery under seat, out of sight and new main fuse/breaker

-Bigger oil tank-Debut in mid to late september (first gasket leaks to be reported a weeklater I am sure

Ammetto che non tutto mi é chiaro, tranne che la sportster che conosciamo finisce nel 2003.

22-07-2003, 13:12
Sti ****zzzzzzz

datemi un link sul vega show pleaseeeee