Visualizza Versione Completa : 500 miglia IN BELGIO!!!!!!

20-09-2004, 15:07
Dear Friend,
Like every year we are organising the 500 miles. For those who don't know what it is, here is a short description:
500 miles information:
A Hell of a day in paradise. This is the statement of one of the participants of the 500 miles. ADPC received a lot of great comments last year. With the great comments we want to continue.
The third edition of the 500 miles is planned on 23 and 24 October 2004
What is the 500 miles, for those who haven't heard of it:
What in the beginning started as a somewhat strange thought from our Chief Road Captain "Berre" became reality in no time ! It only took a few days to realize that the idea of crossing Belgium over a distance of approx. 805 Km (500 miles) in maximum 24 hours is a challenge, but feasible. The first 500 miles endurance rally was born. The reward? A silver pin, specially designed for this event. However, only those participants completing the tour and arriving back in Ekeren (Antwerp) in due time will obtain this nice remembrance. What is the challenge about ? Guided with a road book, the participants (in group or individually) will drive through Belgium from North to East, from South to West and back North. (please remember to bring the Belgium roadmap). A total of 15 checkpoints will have to be searched for. (at each checkpoint, the participant will receive the address of the next checkpoint). We have, as much as possible, selected good roads, most of the time (but not always) illuminated. Gas stations are indicated in the road book.
How to register? Send an e-mail to adpc@pi.be. and you will receive the necessary information. The application form can be faxed to AMS ( +32 (0)3 641.80.19). If you don't want to fax or send an e-mail you can send the application form , properly filled in, by post to ADPC, p/a Olaf Hoppenbrouwers, Fruithoflaan 100 b47, B-2600 Berchem, Belgium. Of course, you can also visit our dealer AMS, Kapelsesteenweg 3, B-2180 Ekeren, Belgium. An access plan can be found at their website; http://www.amsantwerpen.be/www.amsantwerpen.be/ ). Payments can be done to one of our officers or at AMS or on our bankaccount 979-9648201-04. The subscription fee is ? 30. For this ? 30 you are registrated and you will get a t-shirt. The pin will only be given if you have completed the 500 miles and have registration of all the check points. Please make sure that you register as well as pay the participation fee before October 1, 2004 at the latest. Registration after that day will not be accepted. We need a couple of days to prepare the logistics, food, pins, etc.
In annex you will find the application form.
So feel free to join. Kind regards, Olaf Hoppenbrouwers
Secretary ADPC
Fruithoflaan 100 B47
B-2600 Berchem
m 0478/290 645
t +32 3 448 03 91
e olaf.hoppenbrouwers@pi.be


20-09-2004, 15:11
... hai capito "cosa e dove"!!!
Se vai, e sò che lo farai, non dimenticarti di fare tante foto
e un altretttanto resoconto del viaggio!http://www.webchapter.it/smiles/ok.gif


20-09-2004, 15:17
http://www.webchapter.it/smiles/ok.gif http://www.webchapter.it/smiles/biker.gif

20-09-2004, 15:53
Scritto da: PaoloneB 20/09/2004Â*16.17
http://www.webchapter.it/smiles/ok.gif http://www.webchapter.it/smiles/biker.gif


Come stanno andando gli altri racconti di cui mi avevi parlato?

20-09-2004, 16:03
è bellissimo ed organizzato alla grande. se hai tempo e ci puoi mettere qualche giorno ad arrivare ti puoi fare anche un bel giro mentre vai.

20-09-2004, 16:40
Scritto da: PaoloneB 20/09/2004Â*16.07
Dear Friend,
Like every year we are organising the 500 miles. For those who don't know what it is, here is a short description:
500 miles information:
A Hell of a day in paradise. This is the statement of one of the participants of the 500 miles. ADPC received a lot of great comments last year. With the great comments we want to continue.
The third edition of the 500 miles is planned on 23 and 24 October 2004
What is the 500 miles, for those who haven't heard of it:
What in the beginning started as a somewhat strange thought from our Chief Road Captain "Berre" became reality in no time ! It only took a few days to realize that the idea of crossing Belgium over a distance of approx. 805 Km (500 miles) in maximum 24 hours is a challenge, but feasible. The first 500 miles endurance rally was born. The reward? A silver pin, specially designed for this event. However, only those participants completing the tour and arriving back in Ekeren (Antwerp) in due time will obtain this nice remembrance. What is the challenge about ? Guided with a road book, the participants (in group or individually) will drive through Belgium from North to East, from South to West and back North. (please remember to bring the Belgium roadmap). A total of 15 checkpoints will have to be searched for. (at each checkpoint, the participant will receive the address of the next checkpoint). We have, as much as possible, selected good roads, most of the time (but not always) illuminated. Gas stations are indicated in the road book.
How to register? Send an e-mail to adpc@pi.be. and you will receive the necessary information. The application form can be faxed to AMS ( +32 (0)3 641.80.19). If you don't want to fax or send an e-mail you can send the application form , properly filled in, by post to ADPC, p/a Olaf Hoppenbrouwers, Fruithoflaan 100 b47, B-2600 Berchem, Belgium. Of course, you can also visit our dealer AMS, Kapelsesteenweg 3, B-2180 Ekeren, Belgium. An access plan can be found at their website; http://www.amsantwerpen.be/www.amsantwerpen.be/ ). Payments can be done to one of our officers or at AMS or on our bankaccount 979-9648201-04. The subscription fee is ? 30. For this ? 30 you are registrated and you will get a t-shirt. The pin will only be given if you have completed the 500 miles and have registration of all the check points. Please make sure that you register as well as pay the participation fee before October 1, 2004 at the latest. Registration after that day will not be accepted. We need a couple of days to prepare the logistics, food, pins, etc.
In annex you will find the application form.
So feel free to join. Kind regards, Olaf Hoppenbrouwers
Secretary ADPC
Fruithoflaan 100 B47
B-2600 Berchem
m 0478/290 645
t +32 3 448 03 91
e olaf.hoppenbrouwers@pi.be


Azz mica male come ideuzza

20-09-2004, 17:29
AMICI.....io domattina spedisco i 30 euro!
Parto giovedì sera, prima tappa in Svizzera, poi, venerdì raggiungo il Belgio. Lunedì mattina...si parte e si torna a casa a notte fonda...tuttod'unfiato! http://www.webchapter.it/smiles/ok.gif

20-09-2004, 17:56
Scritto da: PaoloneB 20/09/2004Â*18.29
AMICI.....io domattina spedisco i 30 euro!
Parto giovedì sera, prima tappa in Svizzera, poi, venerdì raggiungo il Belgio. Lunedì mattina...si parte e si torna a casa a notte fonda...tuttod'unfiato! http://www.webchapter.it/smiles/ok.gif

se posso darti un consiglio parti domenica finito il rally. alle 14.30 danno le targhe ed alle 15 è tutto finito e sei talmente bollito che non faresti nulla se non andare a letto, solo che è troppo presto. ti rimetti in sella bello tranquillo ed in due ore sei a lussemburgo oppure, se ne hai ancora, in quattro sei a strasburgo ( io mi sono fermato a strasburgo, se vuoi ti posto l'indirizzo dell'hotel) e lunedi mattina ti fai tutta la statale fino a basilea che è molto bella. poi a basilea ti butti in autostrada e via fino a casa.

20-09-2004, 17:59
Scritto da: us883 20/09/2004Â*18.56

se posso darti un consiglio parti domenica finito il rally. alle 14.30 danno le targhe ed alle 15 è tutto finito e sei talmente bollito che non faresti nulla se non andare a letto, solo che è troppo presto. ti rimetti in sella bello tranquillo ed in due ore sei a lussemburgo oppure, se ne hai ancora, in quattro sei a strasburgo ( io mi sono fermato a strasburgo, se vuoi ti posto l'indirizzo dell'hotel) e lunedi mattina ti fai tutta la statale fino a basilea che è molto bella. poi a basilea ti butti in autostrada e via fino a casa.

http://www.webchapter.it/smiles/ok.gif http://www.webchapter.it/smiles/ok.gif http://www.webchapter.it/smiles/ok.gif http://www.webchapter.it/smiles/ok.gif http://www.webchapter.it/smiles/ok.gif http://www.webchapter.it/smiles/ok.gif http://www.webchapter.it/smiles/ok.gif http://www.webchapter.it/smiles/ok.gif

20-09-2004, 19:36
Scritto da: PaoloneB 20/09/2004Â*18.59

http://www.webchapter.it/smiles/ok.gif http://www.webchapter.it/smiles/ok.gif http://www.webchapter.it/smiles/ok.gif http://www.webchapter.it/smiles/ok.gif http://www.webchapter.it/smiles/ok.gif http://www.webchapter.it/smiles/ok.gif http://www.webchapter.it/smiles/ok.gif http://www.webchapter.it/smiles/ok.gif

questo è l'hotel di strasburgo

per basilea fermati all'ETAP hotel. è comodo perchè è all'uscita dell'autostrada e anche se non c'è il ristorante c'è un servizio di speedy pizza commestibile.ci siamo fermati con joker e muttley tornando dalla svezia.

London dude
20-09-2004, 19:42
Scritto da: PaoloneB 20/09/2004Â*16.07
Se non mi tocca di traslocare quel week end, io ci vengo.

ridefree doc
20-09-2004, 21:16
se riesco a far coprire dai miei colleghi un pò di turni di lavoro sarò con te..e se lo dico lo faccio!http://www.webchapter.it/smiles/pino.gif http://www.webchapter.it/smiles/pino.gif

...come per Fakeer..solo stavolta senza donna..

(ci sentiamo sul cellulare)

Piergiorgio[Modificato da ridefree doc 20/09/2004Â*22.17]

21-09-2004, 07:44
Scritto da: PaoloneB 20/09/2004Â*18.29
AMICI.....io domattina spedisco i 30 euro!
Parto giovedì sera, prima tappa in Svizzera, poi, venerdì raggiungo il Belgio. Lunedì mattina...si parte e si torna a casa a notte fonda...tuttod'unfiato! http://www.webchapter.it/smiles/ok.gif

Ti ospito io, se ci sta nell'itinerario!

21-09-2004, 12:04
Verrò recando meco ciauscoli e vino! http://www.webchapter.it/smiles/ok.gif http://www.webchapter.it/smiles/tongue4.gif http://www.webchapter.it/smiles/all_coholic.gif http://www.webchapter.it/smiles/oink.gif

un abbraccio! PS: se vieni a CINGOLI...ne riparliamo! http://www.webchapter.it/smiles/kiss.gif http://www.webchapter.it/smiles/happy5.gif

21-09-2004, 12:42
Scritto da: PaoloneB 21/09/2004Â*13.04
PS: se vieni a CINGOLI...ne riparliamo! http://www.webchapter.it/smiles/kiss.gif http://www.webchapter.it/smiles/happy5.gif

abbello, ci vediamo giÃ* ad Aosta, !!! http://www.webchapter.it/smiles/bounce.gif http://www.webchapter.it/smiles/bounce.gif